Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Famous People With Tourettes

Tourettes is a relatively uncommon neurological disorder that a very small percentage of people actually have. Some who develop Tourettes are determined that it is practically a death sentence with them being forced to hide indoors and avoid contact with others. However, this is far from the truth. There have been several very famous people who have Tourettes who set a shinning example of what is possible for you to do.

There are several people who definitely have Tourettes and openly talk about it, while others have announced they have Tourettes but do not talk about it as much. It is generally very inspiring to people who do have Tourettes because it shows how some people have managed to overcome many of the obstacles that Tourettes represents.


One of the most famous people who is suspected of having Tourettes was Mozart. There is nothing official that proves this theory though, and many Tourettes experts deny this possibility. Nevertheless, some historians do swear that he did have Tourettes based upon some of his behavior. At this point, there is no way to absolutely neither confirm nor deny these claims.

Tim Howard

The goalkeeper for Manchester United, he played in the 2000 Olympics. It has been said that Tim's symptoms started appearing in elementary school. He was considered a discipline problem by some of his teachers, and was often teased in school. Tim serves as a great inspiration for anyone with Tourettes who wishes to participate in athletics. He has shown due to his Olympic participation that Tourettes will not hold someone back; it is possible to still pursue a great and successful athletic career.

Howard Hughes

Famous Hollywood film director and an aviator, he was quiet well known for having several tics and obsessions. He still managed to direct numerous films, as well as own and fly several planes and airlines. He was able to be successful in his career, despite having a major germ obsession that worsened, as he got older, instead of diminishing like many Tourettes symptoms.

Howie Mandel

Comedian and brains behind several television series, Howie Mandel has managed to live his life to the fullest possible while still dealing with his Tourettes. He owns 2 different homes, including one that is kept sterile so that he can stay there free of germs in the event that his germ obsession kicks up. He has been known for television shows such as Bobby's World and St. Elsewhere. Howie has made it clear that having Tourettes has definitely not stopped him from reaching a great plateau many comedians would love; he has been voted as one of the 100 Best Stand Up Comedians of all time. Another piece of proof that Tourettes does not stop success in careers.

Dan Ackroyd

Actor, screenwriter, comedian, and musician Dan Ackroyd has suffered from symptoms of Tourettes and Asperger's Syndrome. While this has dealt Dan a double blow in terms of difficulties, he has still managed to have a very successful and fulfilling career that many others could even dream about. He is known for several movies such as The Blues Brothers, Ghost Busters, and even comedy shows such as Saturday Night Live. He is a great source of inspiration to anyone who is looking at trying to juggle Tourettes and an acting career.

David Beckham

Soccer player from the United Kingdom David Beckham is another example of Tourettes not being enough to hold back an incredible athlete. While he has struggled with obsessions and compulsions, he still manages to make it work around his career so that he can do the best he possibly can. Because of being from the United Kingdom, it also goes to show that Tourettes is something that can strike anyone in any country, not just the United States.

Jim Eisenreich

Baseball has had a major league player who was diagnosed with Tourettes. He has played with the Florida Marlins and the Philadelphia Phillies and since retiring enjoys spending much of his time helping teach people about Tourettes. Jim is a good example of someone who was diagnosed very late in life; he was not diagnosed until he was a professional ball player, unlike most others who are diagnosed when they are in elementary school.

Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf

Basketball is not left out in terms of athletes with Tourettes. Mahmoud is diagnosed with Tourettes and has played for the Denver Nugget and the Sacramento Kings. He was formerly known as Chris Jackson and has been a great inspiration for those looking at athletics.

Rodney Marks

In a world where tics and compulsive behavior is normal, most people do not think it is possible to have a very technical job that is quite stressful. However, Rodney Marks is an Australian astrophysicist who has proven that it is possible to do very detailed work and still suffer from Tourettes.

Steve Wallace

Many NASCAR fans do not realize that Steve Wallace is another person that can be added to the list of famous people with Tourettes syndrome. Many do not think it is possible to control the tics in order to drive at the speeds necessary in order to truly participate in NASCAR however, Steve has proven that is it very much possible to do.

Brad Cohen

Continuously in trouble in school, for making strange noises Brad Cohen went on to become a great teacher and author. Many people could never imagine someone with Tourettes being capable of teaching students, much less focusing long enough to be able to write a book. However, he has proven that it is possible to come out of the ordeal and manage symptoms enough to live a very fulfilling life.

As you can see, there are several people who have been in the public spotlight that people do not even realize have Tourettes. Everyone has different degrees of the illness with some only suffering mild cases, while others suffer from very severe cases. Those with Tourettes can be inspired that their disorder will not force them to live in the darkness, alone. People are able to come out of the shadows and attempt at managing their symptoms so they too can live successful and fulfilling lives

Steve Driskill is the Author of "End Your Child's Tics Now!" which can be found at http://www.facialtics.org and deals with Tourettes Sydrome and how it can be managed with diet.

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